On Suturday I had a part-time job in convenience store. Recentry, this store resume to sell Oden and Chainese manju, so those products sell well. I was very busy so tired. I want to no mistake the work.
Lasy Wedneseday it rained very hard. The rain was influence of a typhoon. I go to colege by bike, so I got soaked. The rainly days I feel worse.
On Sunday I bought some comics and I read those. I read about high school baseball story, this name is "Ace of Diamond". Main characters are attractive, so I recommend to read this comic.
Last Firday I went to shimotouri with my firend. We went book store and paruko, I want to bought new book but it have never sell yet. I want to go again. Also we went Mcdonald in lunch time.
My favorite high school memory is school trip. My
class went to Taiwan when we were second year students. We went
to Jiufen, national place museum, and Taipei 101. We saw beautiful night view
in Taipei 101, so there are many visitors. Jiufen was model of studio jiburi’s
movie “Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi”.