

  Today, I will introduce the brother and my friend.
  There is a girl named Nakamura Ryoka to my friend. The person you like to read a comic book or so. I've been painted illustration well. I remember that it was very similar if you are drawing a portrait of the entertainer that you see on TV. It is good enough to think that it might be get used to the cartoonist. So I thought right brain is strong and I think this person is, and are skilled in artistic quality.
  Learner is very nice my brother. Because it would remember that in class that you learned in class, it will take a high score on a test without studying much. In addition there are many friends tall stand out so high he. He think it remember the name of the person most. When you're shopping together before, and had found the acquaintance. I was impressed and remember well. He also speaks very good things. His story is interesting. I thought of the left brain is he strong him from this.

1 件のコメント:

  1. You have some interesting ideas, here, Yuuna. However, the meaning of some of your sentences are very hard to understand because of grammar mistakes. Please take a little more time to write carefully!

    Journal A = 180+ words = 4.5-1 = 3.5 APs.

    I agree that Ryoka's artistic abilities hint at her having a stronger right brain. Also, your brother's ability to remember names and details for tests shows he has left brain strengths. Good thinking and analysis!

    Be careful - try to use "she/her" and "he/his" more! You use "it" a lot when you are writing about people. That's kind of confusing!

    Journal B = 200+ words = 5 APs!

    Mr. W.
